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Nicotinic acetylcholine currents of cultured Kenyon cells from the mushroom bodies of the honey bee Apis mellifera

机译:蜜蜂Apis mellifera蘑菇体培养的Kenyon细胞的烟碱乙酰胆碱电流



Acetylcholine-induced currents of mushroom body Kenyon cells from the honey bee Apis mellifera were studied using the whole-cell configuration of the patch clamp technique. Pressure application of 1 mM acetylcholine (ACh) induced inward currents with amplitudes between -5 and -500 pA.The cholinergic agonists ACh and carbamylcholine had almost equal potencies of current activation at concentrations between 0·01 and 1 mM; nicotine was less potent. The muscarinic agonist oxotremorine did not elicit any currents.Approximately 80% of the ACh-induced current was irreversibly blocked by 1 μM α-bungarotoxin. Atropine (1 mM) did not block the ACh-induced current.Upon prolonged ACh application the current desensitized with a time course that could be approximated by the sum of two exponentials (τ1 = 276 ± 45 ms (mean ± s.e.m.) for the fast component and τ2 = 2·4 ± 0·7 s for the slow component).Noise analyses of whole-cell currents yielded elementary conductances of 19·5 ± 2·4 pS for ACh and 23·7 ± 5·0 pS for nicotine. The channel lifetimes, calculated from the frequency spectra, were τo = 1·8 ms for ACh and τo = 2·5 ms for nicotine.Raising the external calcium concentration from 5 to 50 mM shifted the reversal potential of the ACh-induced current from +4·6 ± 0·9 to +37·3 ± 1·3 mV. The calcium-to-sodium permeability ratio (PCa : PNa) was 6·4.In high external calcium solution (50 mM) the ACh-induced current rectified in an outward direction at positive membrane potentials.We conclude that Kenyon cells express nicotinic ACh receptors with functional profiles reminiscent of the vertebrate neuronal nicotinic ACh receptor subtype.
机译:使用膜片钳技术的全细胞构型研究了乙酰胆碱诱导的蜜蜂Apis mellifera蘑菇体Kenyon细胞的电流。加压施加1 mM乙酰胆碱(ACh)引起的内向电流,幅度为-5至-500 pA。胆碱能激动剂ACh和氨甲酰胆碱在0·01至1 mM的浓度下具有几乎相等的电流激活能力。尼古丁的效力较弱。毒蕈碱激动剂oxotremorine没有引起任何电流,大约80%的ACh诱导电流被1μMα-真菌毒素不可逆地阻断。阿托品(1 mM)不会阻断ACh诱导的电流.ACh长期应用后,电流随时间变化而变得不敏感,该时间过程可以通过两个指数的总和来近似(τ1= 276±45 ms(平均值±sem))分量和τ2= 2·4±0·7 s(慢分量)。对全细胞电流进行噪声分析,ACh的基本电导为19·5±2·4 pS,尼古丁的基本电导为23·7±5·0 pS 。根据频谱计算得出的通道寿命对于ACh为τo= 1·8 ms,对尼古丁为τo= 2·5 ms。将外部钙浓度从5 mM升高至50 mM,会使ACh诱导的电流的反向电位从+ 4·6±0·9至+ 37·3±1·3 mV。钙钠通透比(PCa:PNa)为6·4。在高外部钙溶液(50 mM)中,ACh诱导的电流在膜电位为正时朝外方向整流。我们得出结论,Kenyon细胞表达烟碱型ACh。受体具有功能特征,使人联想到脊椎动物神经元烟碱型ACh受体亚型。



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